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Rich source of Vitamin C, Contains Vitamin K, Amino acid.Vitamin C helps improve the skin health, boosts immune system and keeps the digestive system up to the mark. Oranges are known for their tangy-sweet taste and juiciness. Oranges make the perfect snack and add a special tang to many recipes. Oranges are very sugary and juicy and considered to be the world's finest orange for fresh consumption because they are very sweet, natural juice, seedless and peels and segments very easily. It has a variety of phytochemicals containing flavonoids hesperetin, beta-carotene and carotenoids alpha etc. It is wealthy in Vitamin C, A and Folate and includes small amounts of Vitamin E & B complex vitamins too. Get fresh fruits from the best fresh fruits company in Dubai! They're seedless, peel easily, and are thought to be one of the world's best-tasting oranges. Navel oranges are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat, filled with Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and low in calories and help you against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

  • It is rich in antioxidants which protect the skin from free radicals and also protect against some cancers by suppressing cancer cell proliferation.

  • It is good for asthma patients and orange juice added in the face packs gives new life to the skin by removing the dead cells.

Orange Navel Bag